New Office in Paris, France!

Office in Paris, France- LiberActa

We are proud to announce the opening of our Paris office.

LiberActa is an innovative startup founded in July 2017 to develop projects based on BlockChain technology with the aim to introduce disruptive change in current business models used in everyday life.

BME (Blockchain Marketing Engine) has been developed for better supporting the Merchants (including Retail and Retail Chains) to promote their products/services and retain customers.

The functionality has been released for a wide range of companies operating in B2C, B2B2C business models or more complex scenarios, and supports all the most common types of coupons, tickets, subscriptions, gift cards with great flexibility for defining and use them. Moreover it supports all the most common loyalty programs (fidelity card point/value based, cashback).

Functionality/services are based upon a deeply innovative, highly efficient and competitive architecture, extremely secure, transparent to the user and virtually scalable without limits.

BME can be subscribed as self-consistent services or provided as an operating platform or just as an engine to be interfaced by the enterprise application environment through a flexible and wide set of API/Rest services.

French and European customers can rely on a trusted and scalable solution with a lightweight couponing/loyalty solution for merchants.